Saturday, 3 November 2012

My work is still up for sale in Heswall Dental Practice too for the next week! Go and check it out, don't hesitate to ask for any custom made designs!
Been listing a lot more of my designs onto Folksy! Have a look and get inspired for Christmas gift ideas! I will also be designing some Christmas prints and tea-towels that are coming soon!
Here are a few pictures I took of the craft fair and some recent designs I have been working on. Everything is very much a work in progress but some new prints will be up soon. Everything is coming together for a final collection of work that I am really happy with!

My table at the craft fair...

New progress...

These are some hand-drawings I have been working on and I have been composing these into full screen-prints!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Some of my more recent artist screen-prints listed on Folksy! Check them out, please ask if there is any more designs you are interested in!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Tea Towels!!!

I went a bit tea-towel crazy for the craft fair!! I kept with the nautical theme but thought I could translate them onto textiles! All the tea-towels are hand screen-printed to give them a more homely feel...

These are also all available to buy on my Folksy page... 

I have been very buys with the craft fair and various other projects I have going on this weekend! I was really happy to be part of the Heswall Arts Festival and my prints are still up for sale for the next two weeks in Heswall Dental Practice so have a look around if you get a chance!

Bit of development with the linos, I decided to start including maps in my designs to emphasise this idea of mysteries of the ocean and exploration...

 I have also been working on many screen-prints within the studio and the print room... Most of the prints have come from hand-drawings and been transformed through textured papers and inks...

These are so I can experiment with colour and scale and composition. I am beginning to work into a more illustrative way and I like the subtlety of the prints.  I am making quick progress with the prints and thinking of scaling up to make them bigger and better and to again emphasise the idea of being awe-inspiring and the size of the ocean.

All the prints are available to buy on my Folksy page, or get in touch with me about any of the work or ideas!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Ohh Deer competition has also moved on... They have decided to feature all designers on the website for 3 weeks for a chance to sell and promote work.

You can check out (and buy) the designs here!!


I am participating in a craft fair this weekend in my local village, Heswall, Wirral. Very excited to be part of it, I will be selling some hand-printed artist prints and textiles...

Check out page 24!! It has a list of artists and venues for the whole Arts Festival!

Been a very busy couple of weeks, getting back into the swing of things! I have moved on from initial drawings and tried to introduce some colour. I started with lino and mono prints that may progress into screen-prints.. These are a couple of examples I have been creating so far...

These are really just a way of getting some ideas down through printmaking and discovering textures for backgrounds and layering. I wanted to try and explore some new colours as I develop these into screen-prints.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Also entered the Ohh Deer pillow fight competition. I have applied two quite different designs to cushions including designs from my old collection and also a fresh drawing... Wish me luck!!


I have made some progress with my screen-print ideas. I am keen to start the printmaking process so I have been arranging my drawings into compositions ready to apply splashes of colour. This is what I have created so far...

I am working with the linear qualities and want to create an effect of the sea engulfing and embracing the ships. I have used images of ships that I feel reflect a history and nostalgic feel. I am looking forward to developing these even further and experimenting with colour, backgrounds, shapes and qualities.

As I begin my final year of studying, I have started to look at more illustrative styles of drawing. I have always wanted to focus on this as a clear aspect of my work. My initial drawing have been underway for a while and I am beginning to think in terms of printing methods and artist prints. Here is a selection of the drawings I have been creating...

I will be shortly moving into colour and prints for these ships. I have been inspired by local areas and visits to Maritime museums and I am hoping to create a mysterious atmosphere that reflects the myths and ideas of the depths of the ocean.